Enjoy a cup of tea!

Enjoy a cup of tea!

I Made The Front Page!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Since Holday shopping time is here, I thought I would do my part to make things just a bit easier on the purse.

I offer FREE SHIPPING on all items in Cara Scarlett on Etsy.

I offer 15% off all necklaces that are NOT in the $16 sale section in MadeByCaraShop on Etsy.

The photos above are a few of my goodies from Cara Scarlett. I hope you like them.:)

Sunday, November 8, 2009


My wonderful friend Tami from Tamilyn and Pillows By Tamilyn put me in her GORGEOUS treasury. This is a screen shot--only 9 items fit, so I apologize for that. But I was so excited, I wanted to share:)

Be sure to check out both of Tami's Etsy shops. Tamilyn has a mixture of beautiful handbags, clothes and accessories. Pillows by Tamilyn has the prettiest pillows I may have ever seen! I know you will enjoy browsing Tami's shops! Love you, Tami!!!